Monday, November 06, 2006

Landing in two time zones and two provinces at once

Madawaska River Valley and Edmunston, NB airport. This airport is one of the few out there where you land in one province and time zone and if you can't stop before half way you enter another province and time zone. This is almost on the border here and is a view of the south or looking at New Brunswick and Atlantic time zone.

Now looking at Quebec and the Eastern time zone ! The airport manager who is also the fueler double checks when you say you are arriving and leaving because if you leave the airport and turn right you immediately are in Quebec and are GMT -5 and if you turn right are in New Brunswick and are GMT-4 hours.

After 45 mins of sweeping the wings and tail of the airplane getting rid of Jack Frost (he tries to grab free rides but when he does and you don't sweep him off you don't get the chance again :) we are climbing up through about 20,000 feet. A warm sunrise and a feeling of a job well done as we climb up to 24,000 on the way to Toronto. It feels good when you have obstacles to overcome and carry out your normal routine and get it all done well and run a seamless show. Since we are catering to high end clients we get it pretty good with hangars and full FBO service but it was nice to work out of a strip for once that had nothing and it was all up to us. Just like back in the Arctic but with Tim Hortons a drive down the street :)

Since Toronto was using the 33's for departure as a bird strike closed 24R and they didn't open 24L it caused a tiny little bit of build up. I kinda enjoy it when I am not late already as you get to nuzzle in with the bigger guys.
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