Monday, October 16, 2006

A post for WY....

Here is another picture in relation to a previous post. This is Quebec and it again shows the thin narrow lots which where given to new land owners in "New France" back in the day, allowing more of the population access to water.etc

Same dealio just more zoomed in, the houses are pretty close together compared to what you would see in Saskatchewan or Manitoba.

Early morning fog in the higher elevations. There was a steep inversion (which means the temperature got warmer with altitude which is the opposite of what is the "norm") the temperature at the surface is around zero celisus and at 10,000 its around + 8. If you lived in a mountain valley the cool air sinks in at night and the sides of the valley are warmer then the valley floor, then during the day the valley warms causing hot air to flow up and out.

Pretty neat shot of the nuclear steam coming up from the valley floor. It could be seen for quite a while back.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks FD, really interesting and I knew there had to be a reason for the field shapes. The power station shot reminds me of a slide show presentation I once attended, given by a paraglider (stow the wing in your pocket, carry the engine on your back!) His fuel gauge was a hand mirror that allowed him to see the little plastic tank on his lower back. He had some fantastic shots from across Europe and the UK but at the bottom edge of every pic. was a pair of walking boots! He lived near a pwr stn.