Some fellow Canadian Flyers. Resting in the sunshine and grabbing some food before the trip south. With the temperatures the way they are there is no rush for them to get leaving although we are just over a month till the first day of winter.

Got in nice and close to this guy. As you can see from the paranoid look this was as close as I could get to him. He didn't fly or run just slowly waddled a few steps everytime I tried to get closer.

Its amazing how close they let you get even while they are eating and taking their eyes off you for even a minute. I stood in with the flock for a good 5 minutes and they just went about their business.

They are looking at the water as a group of SCUBA divers surfaced recently and caught their attention for a bit. I love getting close with them on the ground as you can enjoy their beauty but in the airplane I wouldn't want to get too up close and personal as they weigh at least 15-20 lbs.

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