Thursday, February 25, 2010

Update from the field

Tindi Caravan departing CYLK Lutsle'Ke
One of those guys....I had every intention of maintaining this blog when I started it but I must say that life happens when you make other plans. Life is going very well and I am enjoying life flying around Canada's Great White North and the variety of geography in the NWT alone excites me to learn about how all the land features got to the condition they are in today. I found a good book called Canada Rocks which describes the formation of the area known as Canada today and what has happened over the billions of years to each region to help us understand what we see. Also CBC produced an excellent series of shows called the Geologic Journey which is available for purchase from the CBC. It has excellent computer animations and it is narrated by David Suzuki, I highly recommend it. For our Friends South of the border, it also covers a bit of the US too :)

Below are a few shots that I took around the north that I wanted to share. I have kinda lost the photo bug and do not even carry a camera with me to work anymore. Hopefully having my outlet back will motivate me to get snapping ! Otherwise hope all is well with you and enjoy. FD

This is the Smoking Hills of Paulatuk, looking North in the early summer. Still lots of ice left but it is amazing what 24 hour sunshine can do. Click here to view it from the ground.

Part of the Hornaday River. It is an extremely fast moving river and it is a mini grand canyon of the north. Lots of caribou are in this area and it runs into the Arctic Ocean after passing through Tuktut Nogait National Park. This is pretty northern and not cheap to get to as far as National Parks are concerned but for those hard core back packers with serious money this would be an excellent place to visit ! Also worth checking out is the Brock River Canyon, it has some very beautiful scenery (check it out here) and is in the park as well. For southerns wanting to access this region you would first have to fly to Edmonton, then onto Yellowknife, Inuvik, and then on Aklak Air from Inuvik to Paulatuk. I believe there are guides you can hire in Paulatuk and once there you are only about 40 miles from the park. I remember seeing a quad trail half way out towards the Hornaday so you can access it over land or by boat from Darnly Bay in Paulatuk. You would want to make sure you had everything you needed for the trip because Paulatuk does not have much more then a Northern Store where prices are sky high and selection is minimal. (Relatively speaking). I will get out more with the camera and bring you more of the North which is so expansive and gorgeous. Till next time (could be next year :), fly safe.

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