You can't see it in this frame but a Porter Dash 8-400 is climbing out of the Island just to the east of downtown also headed to Ottawa. I am in a Airbus 321 climbing out of Pearson also going to Ottawa. Upon shut down at the gate in Ottawa I was still sitting in my seat when Porter pulled into the gate beside us. Pretty amazing but on the shorter legs such as a Toronto Ottawa the speed difference between an Airbus and a Dash 8 is minimal. Who cares if you can cruise at 430 knots when you only have 200 miles to go :) The Q400 cruises at 350 or so and because turbo props are easily slowed they can haul ass till they get in close to the airport (speed limit of 250 knots below 10,000 and within 10 miles of a controlled airport 200 knots).
So as soon as we get handed over to Montreal Terminal we know it's Rog just from his first sentence, we both look at each other and are like right on this guy gets shit done. So first things first he puts us on a vector. Instead of wasting our time flying south east towards the beginning of the STAR he heads us straight for the mid downwind. Because there will be departing traffic climbing up under us he keeps us a bit high. As we started down to 6000 feet this AC jungle jet flew under us at 5000 and he was so close it was hard for a photo opportunity because he has hauling in the other direction. We zoomed out on the TCAS which shows us other aircraft and their altitudes and it also draws our approach procedure. There was nobody on the left side for 24L so we were probably gonna get a tight visual because of the lack of traffic. Rog set us up right on a perfect base and when we switched over to the next controller boom cleared visual 24L. People that do a great job no matter what it is impress me, efficiency is so wicked!
Then you get the guys who will send you all around the STAR or not give you direct because they are too lazy to work it out with the next sector. The good guys will check for you and then tell you why they can't do it. You get to know their voices and most of the time just the tone of the controllers voice tells you that this guy is having a rough day so just get through his airspace and move on.
There is a super upbeat Toronto controller that works 124.92 and when you get switched over from Montreal at around Trenton area he takes you into Toronto's airspace. He is always upbeat, passes along extra info, lets you know whats going on for sequencing and all sorts of good stuff. You always take the good with the bad I guess.
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