The Courthouse. To the right which is out of the frame is the Stocks. Punishment was to be locked with your head and hands locked in for all to walk by and put you to disgrace for what you have done.

This is The Magazine. Not what we are familiar with in todays terms but it serves the same purpose. This is where all the arms and ammunitions were stored. That probably explains the wood spears used around it for defense.

Front shot of the Magazine. The have musket firings and weapons demonstrations at certain times of the summer.

Its almost a shame that this beautiful area can't be inhabited but its truly worth it to keep all the old buildings and large trees lining the streets. The temperature on this day was so perfect, about 20 degrees, sunny and dry with little humidity. Couldn't have had a nicer day for a 2 hour walkabout.

We did some local recon today... That W&M building with the three arches is the admissions building, Blow Memorial Hall.
Thanks for the recon work. I will add that to the post later.
Get your husband to check his vectors to final email.
Cheers !
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