The little terminal building. Its actually quite large for such a small little strip. The staff were extremely helpful and made our experience very enjoyable.

Looking down RWY13 before departure. This would get me put in jail if it happened at Toronto but since there was nobody here I figured it was picture time. The runway is about 3500 feet long and is served by a GPS and VOR approach.

Zoomed in down the pipe.

Again another flock of Canadian Geese doing an overhead pass to check out the runway. They landed just beside the runway for our departure but didn't come near it for our take off roll which was nice of them.

Luckily you didn't meet the local herd of deer, the airport fox, or the pack of gangster turkeys that are only moderately afraid of loud plane engines... But with Thanksgiving approaching, their days are numbered.... :)
Yeah I guess we were lucky :) Hopefully the Turkey's fair ok in the upcoming weeks too !
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